One of the largest Apparel Manufacturers in Asia seeks high caller candidates to join with us. Selected candidates will have vast opportunities to grow and will be presented with many challenging task. Are yoe the one?
What we need are:
1. Production Supervisor (PS)
2. Planning Production Material Control (PPMC)
3. Industrial Engineering (IE)
General Requirement:
. Male, Female (for position 2 & 3)
. Min S1/D3 Degree (specially from Industrial Engineering for position 3, and all mayor Engineering for position 1 & 2)
. IPK min 2.75
. Clear Communication (English and Indonesia)
. Good Computer Skill
. Strong Leadership
. Analytical
. Team Work
. Able to work under pressure
If you meet the qualification above, please submit your application not later than 14 days after this advertisement with reference code on the left corner of the envelope to:
HRD PT. Ungaran Sari Garments III Pringapus
Jl. Raya Pringapus Km.05 Kec. Pringapus Kab. Semarang Telp. 024-6925590 ext. 141 or 203 or 303 Fax. 024-6925589
Or email: train-centre@
Before January 23, 2009